County completes audit for Coburg election

Montgomery County Auditor Jill Ozuna conducted a successful post-election audit of the Feb, 6 Special Election City of Coburg City Council to fill vacancy ballots in Precinct 6 were hand-counted by election officials to ensure they matched the totals reported by the ballot tabulator.
The precinct was randomly selected by the Secretary of State following Election Day. The Special Election City of Coburg City Council to fill vacancy race was audited. The results matched 100%.
County Auditor Jill Ozuna stated: “The hand count audit shows that our machines tabulate accurately and further restores integrity of our election process.”
Every ballot tabulator in Iowa undergoes a public pre-election test to ensure it will count votes accurately on Election Day. Post-election audits are mandatory in all 99 counties following each election.
For more information about election security in Iowa, visit the Secretary of State’s website at Information about the voting process is available at
Questions about the post-election audit and other election matters may be directed to the Montgomery County Auditor’s office at 712-623-5127.