Creighton University Retreat Center anniversary

Creighton University Retreat Center, located in Griswold is celebrating its 30th anniversary Sunday, Sept. 15.
The gathering will begin with Mass in the St. Kateri Chapel celebrated by Fr. Robert Dufford, current chaplain at the retreat center and former member of the St. Louis Jesuits, who composed liturgical music in the 1970s through the 1980s.
Following Mass, there will be a brunch including the center’s legendary cinnamon rolls and an opportunity to hear stories and share stories of time at the center.
Fr. Dan Krettek, who stayed on the property for five years which spanned the transition from Wakonda Prayer House through the Creighton purchase will begin the storytelling, with Susan Naatz, retired Creighton University Director of Ignatian Formation following.
The microphone will be open for others to share stories as well. Opportunity to view the historic timeline, walk the trails and the new prayer spaces will be available until 2 p.m.
Creighton University purchased the Retreat Center in 1994 to host the university retreats. Prior to being a prayer house, this property was home to Camp Wakonda, a Boy Scout camp, before being purchased by Father Laverne Wingert and utilized as a retreat center, called Wakonda Prayer House.
As the Creighton University Retreat Center, it has hosted Creighton faculty, staff and students, high school Kairos and Encounter retreats, and many external groups that return annually, as well as personal retreatants who come for three, eight or 30-day Ignatian retreats.
The property is located on 153 wooded acres with sleeping cabins, a dining hall, a chapel, outdoor prayer spaces including a labyrinth, and walking trails. Many improvements have been made in the last 10 years. If you haven’t been there lately, it’s a great opportunity to see the updates.
Tickets for the celebration event are $15 and can be purchased through or by calling the Creighton University Retreat Center at (712) 778-2466, Registration required.
The Creighton University Retreat Center is a full-service retreat facility set on more than 150 acres in Griswold. The mission is to support and foster an active prayer life, a deeper conversion, and relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.
As a department of Creighton University, the center serves Creighton students, alumni, and faculty/staff. They also welcome all others seeking a place of rest or retreat, including religious, parishes, school groups, organizations, and private individuals.
To learn more or book a retreat, please visit