Election turnout strong

Montgomery County voters headed for the polls in large numbers for the general election Nov. 5.
Montgomery County’s voter turnout was 69.81%, with 5,100 ballots cast among 7,306 registered voters. The unofficial election results are as follows
For President of the United States, Republicans Donald Trump and J.D. Vance received 3,482 votes to Democrat Kamala Harris and Tim Walz’s 1,507 votes. There were 80 total votes for third party candidates.
For U.S. Representative District 3, incumbent Republican Zach Nunn held off Democrat challenger Lanon Baccam 3.433 to 1.364, and there were 11 write-in votes.
In statewide races, incumbent Republican Tom Moore received 3,380 votes to Villsca resident and Democrat challenger Tripp Narup’s 1,318 votes, and there were 13 write-ins. Narup shared his thoughts on the results.
“I am, of course, disappointed in the overall results. Basically, every campaign that I contributed to lost. For my own part, I am always aware that my district is heavily Republican so I don’t start out thinking I’m going to win, but I am surprised that more people aren’t worried about the proposed CO² pipeline,” commented Narup. “I really thought that issue would move the needle a little. Our democracy has survived for more than 200 years, so I hope and pray that we will continue to be a shining example of what freedom truly means. In two years, we again will get to tell our government what we think. In the meantime, I’II have plenty of work to do on city council.”
In local county races, Republican Bryant Amos received 893 votes and there were 42 write ins. Amos said he was pleased to receive the number of votes that he did.
“I really appreciate the people that went out and voted. It was a big election. And not only for myself, but all the positions, we needed a good turnout,” Amos said.
While he’s been off the board of supervisors for several years, Amos feels the experience he gained from his prior tenure will be a benefit as the county tackles a number of issues, such as the carbon pipeline project.
“I had 16 years experience and through that 16 years, I’ve never had a problem making a decision, and my mind can be changed. I will have an opinion and people will know where I stand. And I think that helps people come forward and give me their opinion. If a person doesn’t have a stance, they don’t know where you are on the issues and they don’t know whether they should talk to you or not,” Amos advised.
Amos also shared some parting words for retiring District 5 Supervisor Donna Robinson, whom Amos worked with on the board for a number of years.
“Donna was a great board member to serve with. Couldn’t be better. Donna and I could argue and knock heads and come back and work together on anything. It was always just a pleasure. She and I were one in the same. She spoke her mind and you knew where she was on any issue,” stated Amos.
Republican Alex Burton is the man who will replace Robinson on the board as District 5 Supervisor. Burton received 874 votes and there were 12 write-ins. Burton was also pleased to see the vote tallies, despite the fact he ran unopposed.
“Obviously it’s a little less of a nail-biter when you’re not running against someone, but it is kind of a reaffirmation that I have the confidence of the folks that voted for me, and I’m very grateful for everyone who did,” advised Burton.
Burton has been regularly attending the supervisors meetings and feels the experience will benefit him moving forward.
“That is one thing that I identified as a key need. I just was talking to somebody the other day, and they said they were on the school board years ago, and while I think it was in jest, they basically said they didn’t say anything for the first year or two. I feel that by attending the meetings, I have kind of supplemented some of that experience sitting at the table, and I feel like I have a much better grasp of the current topics, of which there are several contentious issues that the county is working through right now,” Burton explained. “I’m pretty excited to be able to jump in and not have the deer in the headlights look and not have to stop the meeting to say, wait, can you explain that to me? And also knowing that Bryant has had many years of experience on the board as well, I think that really strengthens us moving forward.”
Like Amos, Burton also offered his praise to outgoing Supervisor Donna Robinson’s tenure.
“It’s kind of a unique experience because often the person running is running against whoever is currently in that seat. But I’ve really enjoyed being able to sit through the meetings and then also talk to Donna and I know moving forward, there’s a transition where she’s able to teach me what she knows, because in 16 years, you learn a lot more than can just be jotted down on a piece of paper,” Burton said. “So I’m looking forward to stepping into the new role, but I also know that her experience doesn’t just disappear when she leaves in January. I get to lean on her for the experience that she has.”
In other county races, Republican Jill Ozuna was uncontested for Montgomery County Auditor and received 4,201 votes; there were 46 write ins. Republican Jon Spunaugle also ran uncontested for Montgomery County Sheriff and received 4,366 votes, there were 81 write ins.
For the Agricultural extension council, Ryan Hart with 3,100 votes, Chad Jacobs 2,970 votes, Kassandra Houdek 2,786 votes, and Edward Oster with 2,778 votes were all elected, there were 34 write ins.
The three trustees elected as Hospital Trustees were Jeff Vanderhoof with 3,214 votes, Ann Carder with 3,154 votes, and James Norris with 2,961 votes; there were 58 write ins.
The three elected to the Soil and Water Conservation Board were Dave Carbaugh, 3,267 votes, Kerry Confer, 3,222 votes, and Kent Swanson, 3,205 votes. There were 35 write-ins.
The following results are for township trustees:
• Frankfort Township Trustee: 29 write ins.
• Garfield Township Trustee: 19 write ins.
• Grant Township Trustee: 19 write ins.
• Lincoln Township Trustee: Bryan Jenkins, 79 votes, Kirk Baird, 72 votes.
• Pilot Grove Township Clerk: four write ins.
• Pilot Grove Trustee: 12 write ins.
• Pilot Grove Township Trustee: 12 write ins.
• Red Oak Township Trustee: 22 write ins.
• Sherman Township Trustee: 31 write ins.
• Washington Township Trustee: Lorin Peterson, 82 votes, Mike Jackson, 30 votes, 19 write-ins.
• West Township Trustee: 20 write ins.
Constitutional Amendment 1, Provides for only U.S. citizens aged 18 or older and meeting state and county residency requirements to vote in all elections. Further provides that 17-year-olds who will be 18 years old by the General Election are eligible to vote in the primary election, subject to the same citizenship and residency requirements. Full Text: Section 1 of Article II of the Constitution of the State of Iowa, as amended by the amendment of 1970, is repealed and the following adopted in lieu thereof: Section 1. Electors. Only a citizen of the United States of the age of eighteen years, who shall have been a resident of this state for such period of time as shall be provided by law and of the county in which the citizen claims the citizen’s vote for such period of time as shall be provided by law, shall be entitled to vote at all elections which are authorized by law. However, for purposes of a primary election, a United States citizen must be at least eighteen years of age as of the next general election following the primary election. The required periods of residence shall not exceed six months in this state and sixty days in the county.
The amendment was approved by a vote of 3,840 to 841.
Consitutional Amendment 2, Provides that the lieutenant governor will act as the governor if there is a temporary disability of the governor. Further provides that the lieutenant governor or lieutenant governor-elect will be the governor or governor-elect in the case of the resignation, death, or permanent disability of the governor or governor-elect thus creating a vacancy in the office of lieutenant governor or lieutenant governor-elect, as appropriate. Full Text: Section 17 of Article IV of the Constitution of the State of Iowa is repealed and the following adopted in lieu thereof: Sec. 17. Lieutenant governor or lieutenant governor-elect to become or act as governor or governor-elect. If there is a temporary disability of the governor, the lieutenant governor shall act as governor until the disability is removed, or the governor dies, resigns, or is removed from office. In case of the death, resignation, or removal from office of the governor, the lieutenant governor shall become governor for the remainder of the term, which shall create a vacancy in the office of lieutenant governor. This section shall also apply, as appropriate, to the governor-elect and the lieutenant governor-elect.
The amendment was approved by a vote of 4,062 to 550.
The following public measures were also approved:
The Montgomery County Board of Supervisors shall fill the offices of Trustees and Clerks of Frankfort Township by appointment as the terms of office of the incumbent officers expire, 94 yes, 33 no.
The Montgomery County Board of Supervisors shall fill the offices of Trustees and Clerks of Garfield Township by appointment as the terms of office of the incumbent officers expire. 85 yes, 44 no.
The Montgomery County Board of Supervisors shall fill the offices of Trustees and Clerks of Grant Township by appointment as the terms of office of the incumbent officers expire. 100 yes, 21 no.
The Montgomery County Board of Supervisors shall fill the offices of Trustees and Clerks of Lincoln Township by appointment as the terms of office of the incumbent officers expire. 45 yes, 44 no.
The Montgomery County Board of Supervisors shall fill the offices of Trustees and Clerks of Pilot Grove Township by appointment as the terms of office of the incumbent officers expire. 86 yes, 14 no.
The Montgomery County Board of Supervisors shall fill the offices of Trustees and Clerks of Red Oak Township by appointment as the terms of office of the incumbent officers expire. 156 yes, 61 no.
The Montgomery County Board of Supervisors shall fill the offices of Trustees and Clerks of West Township by appointment as the terms of office of the incumbent officers expire. 60 yes, 30 no.
The Montgomery County Board of Supervisors shall fill the offices of Trustees and Clerks of Washington Township by appointment as the terms of office of the incumbent officers expire. 58 yes, 29 no.
The Montgomery County Board of Supervisors shall fill the offices of Trustees and Clerks of Sherman Township by appointment as the terms of office of the incumbent officers expire. 81 yes, 33 no.
Shall the Board of Directors of the Iowa Western Community College (Merged Area XIII) in the Counties of Adair, Adams, Audubon, Cass, Crawford, Fremont, Harrison, Mills, Monona, Montgomery, Page, Pottawattamie, and Shelby, State of Iowa, be authorized to contract indebtedness and issue General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $55,000,000 to provide funds to construct, furnish, and equip a new academic building and renovate, remodel, and improve existing buildings within Merged Area XIII? 219 yes, 157 no.
County Auditor Jill Ozuna praised everyone who participated in making the election a success.
“Montgomery County has a lot to be proud of. When we did our absentee process, I can’t tell you how many times we all got complimented on what an amazing, smooth, and wonderful process early voting was. The people that were the precinct election officials came in and worked extra and my staff and I have literally worked night and day. I’m so proud of them all because they worked so hard. And I’m so blessed to have so many wonderful people make this process happen. It’s a lot of work,” said Ozuna.