City and MCMH to collaborate on EMS shortage
The Red Oak City Council is teaming up with Montgomery County Memorial Hospital to add additional members to the city’s ambulance staffing.
City administrator Brad Wright spoke during the meeting, and said the city had been in contact with the hospital to discuss the situation for quite some time.
“Obviously, doing transfers for the hospital with our ambulance service is a major part of what our guys do here, but there are times, due to lack of equipment or lack of staff, that we are unable to respond in the time they would like us to. More often than not, it’s manpower, and we’ve been having discussions with Ron Kloewer on the best way to improve that situation,” Wright explained.
Wright said it seemed the best way to rectify the situation was to add an additional staff member.
“The ideal solution would be adding three, one for each of the shifts, but short of that, we feel that adding one person and stretching them to the day shift hours of the week when more transfers happen is the best way to start,” commented Wright.
Wright added that as part of the collaboration, the hospital has expressed a willingness to pay for half of the person’s salary, as a way to work together.
“Rather than sit back and saying that we need to do better, they said how can we help, and we’re pretty pleased and impressed that they have offered to do that. They have already taken it before the hospital board, and the hospital board supports the idea, so we’re asking the council to authorize us to proceed into negotiations for an agreement that will set all the parameters,” Wright stated.
The new position would be a paramedic/firefighter, so they could serve in any capacity. The council agreed to allow Wright to pursue negotiations with the hospital for the additional staff member.
In other business, the council:
• Approved a resolution for the disposal of real estate known as 104 E. Corning St. to Mark Blackburn, for $1,200. A public hearing on the sale was also held. No oral or written comments were received.