Democratic caucus set for Feb. 7
The Montgomery County Democrats will hold their organizing caucus on Monday, Feb 7, at 7 p.m.
Agenda items include: precinct committee persons, delegates to county convention and county platform resolutions.
Every two years the political parties of Iowa hold a party caucus to determine precinct committee persons, delegates to the county convention, and resolutions to the party platform.
The Montgomery County Democrats are weighing options on how to safely perform the caucus requirements. This is further complicated by delays in state precinct maps and an all-time high state hospitalization rates due to the pandemic.
At this time they are encouraging Democrats to contact them to learn how to safely participate. They also are not publishing a location two weeks in advance, recognizing they may need to reserve flexibility to protect their members.
Please call or email the Montgomery County Democrats to learn more: 515-454–0205 or