Republican Caucus is Feb. 7
The 2022 Republican Caucus in Montgomery County is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 7, at the White Fair Building, within the County Fairgrounds on Legion Park in Red Oak.
Doors will open at 6 p.m. for check-in, and will close at 7 p.m. when the caucus begins. The caucus is open to all registered Republican voters including those voters who will be 18 years of age by Nov. 7. All voters from all precincts within Montgomery County will caucus at this location.
Voter registration forms will be available for those persons who have not previously registered to vote, or those wanting to update their information (please bring a photo identification and proof of residence such as a lease, utility bill, etc). For such registrations, ‘same day voter registration’ rules, as published by the Iowa Secretary of State, will be followed.
With the decennial redistricting that coincided with the 2020 Census, the County Supervisors approved a reprecincting that reduced the voting precincts in Montgomery County from seven (7) to six (6), and realigned those precincts according to the map provided by Montgomery County. The map can be found at
Business conducted at the caucus will include approving members of the County Central Committee, Delegates, Alternate Delegates, and Junior Delegates to the Montgomery County Convention, and acceptance of platform planks to be forwarded to the County Convention.