Red Oak

Signage has been placed on the northeast corner of Fountain Square Park near Freedom Rock. One plaque explains the memorials located on the square and the other explains the county’s Freedom Rock. Members of the American Legion Court of Honor and Veterans of Foreign Wars designed the signage, with...
More than $611,300 in new USDA Rural Development grants for cities across Iowa’s Third Congressional District to support a range of municipal improvements, including new equipment for Iowa hospitals, police departments, and fire departments.  The new grants cover Adams, Adair, Cass, Montgomery,...
City and School elections across Montgomery County have been decided. The top contest in the City of Red Oak was the mayor’s race, which saw incumbent Bill Billings face off against challenger Shawnna Silvius. In the end, it was Silvius earning 413 votes to Billings’ 355.  Also unseated was Red Oak...
The Red Oak City Council has re-approved the purchase of a new ambulance. At the regular Red Oak city Council meeting Oct. 4, the council approved the purchase of a Wheeled Coach from Feld Fire, at a cost of $218,546. The purchase was approved based on United States Department Agriculture...

The Red Oak Express

2012 Commerce Drive
P.O. Box 377
Red Oak, IA 51566
Phone: 712-623-2566 Fax: 712-623-2568

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