Council hears proposal for updated city flag
The Red Oak City Council is considering a new flag design for the community.
The Red Oak City Council is considering a new flag design for the community.
The supervisors agreed to proceed with updates to the county’s personnel handbook and safety policy.
The Red Oak Airport provided food and entertainment for more than 150 visitors at its annual picnic at the airport Aug. 29.
Erma Jeanne Varns, 85, formerly of Red Oak, passed away Dec. 26, 2022, at The Center at Tucson in Tucson, Ariz., following a brief illness.
Red Oak Cub Scouts Pack 80 held a sign up drive at Legion Park in Red Oak on Aug. 29.
The Red Oak Municipal Pool is celebrating a successful season.
The Montgomery County Board of Supervisors has agreed to a cost sharing agreement with the Southwest Iowa Planning Council for grant management.
Montgomery County Memorial Hospital + Clinics (MCMH) is pleased to announce its decision to bring all emergency department (ED) providers under its direct employment.
The Red Oak Optimist Club officially unveiled the new LED sign at the Red Oak High School with a ribbon cutting Aug. 25.
2012 Commerce Drive
P.O. Box 377
Red Oak, IA 51566
Phone: 712-623-2566 Fax: 712-623-2568