MRI services at MCMH making a positive impact in the community

Montgomery County Memorial Hospital + Clinics (MCMH + Clinics) is proud to announce that its Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is making a positive impact on patient care in Southwest Iowa. MCMH + Clinics is now able to schedule patients for specialized MRI scans including breast, abdominal, head, prostate, spinal and orthopedic scans.
The new MRI scanner has taken years of planning and preparation. Ron Kloewer, CEO at MCMH + Clinics, expressed excitement about the new addition, stating, “We are really proud of our new MRI. It is the largest, quietest, and newest in the area. We know it will make a difference for our patients who will no longer have to travel out of the county for the highly specialized exams.”
With the investment in several specialized coils, MCMH + Clinics can perform MRI scans that were not available in Southwest Iowa before. This technological advancement allows MCMH + Clinics to offer enhanced diagnostic services and contribute to improved patient outcomes. The community’s enthusiasm for the expanded access to local MRI services further underscores the positive impact of this milestone achievement.
Karen Stirek, Director of Radiology Imaging at MCMH + Clinics, highlighted the significance of the in-house MRI services, stating, “The need for MRI is growing, and having our own MRI machine was needed to accommodate our patients.” Bryant Blay, Chief Financial Officer at MCMH + Clinics added, “We have been able to better serve our patients by providing the service at MCMH in a much faster time than we would have been able to with the old mobile MRI option. We went live with the in-house MRI in mid-December and based on the first three full months of activity, we expect to double the number of patients served right here at MCMH + Clinics.”
MCMH + Clinics’ commitment to patient comfort is evident throughout the MRI process, with features such as a wide bore for an open scanning environment, and a full audio and visual theater to promote relaxation during the procedure.
Patients can expect to be greeted by familiar faces and receive top-notch care throughout their MRI experience. The MRI staff includes Ashley Jones, Ashley Brown, Danette Gohlinghorst, and Michelle Olson. With their extensive qualifications and experience in medical imaging, these individuals bring a wealth of experience and compassion to every patient interaction.
MCMH + Clinics is now offering comprehensive MRI services with shorter wait times for patients. Appointments are available Monday through Friday from 8:30 am until 4:30 pm. For more information and updates on the new MRI scanner, please visit the MCMH + Clinics website or contact the Community Relations Department at 623-7268.